
How to Manage Working Remotely and Family Life without Going Crazy?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Coronavirus pandemic has caught everyone, both employers and employees, off guard. The best solution to stay safe and protected was to work from home for a while. Working remotely not only gives employees the flexibility they need but also helps businesses stay afloat. Most employees prefer this work arrangement as it helps them balance their work and life perfectly. However, working parents struggle with an unexpected transition. When they worked from an office, keeping a job and private life was much more comfortable than now. Trying hard to manage it all leaves enough room for burnout, stress, anxiety, and frustration. Here are a few tricks on how to manage working remotely and family life without going crazy during this challenging time.

Settle into a Daily Routine 

Many psychologists recommend having some kind of daily routine to eliminate stress. Despite the pandemic and isolation, you can still follow a routine and feel better. Like most people, you probably had some pre-work habit when you went to work every day. Don’t let working from home get you out of having proper breakfast or a cup of warm coffee in the morning. Besides, now that you no longer commute, you have more time to get ready physically and mentally for work. With a few tweaks here and there, you will settle into a new daily routine in no time. As a result, you will be fully prepared to face all challenges the workday brings.

Stay in Touch with Coworkers

Working remotely comes with challenges of its own. One of them is employee communication. No matter how hard employees try to communicate, the distance somehow gets in the way. However, with the latest communicative technology, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Although equipping employees with necessary tools puts a strain on the budget, it’s nothing compared to all benefits the employer reaps. If they want to weather the crisis, it’s the price they have to pay. Today, managers can choose from a wide array of communicative tools and platforms. Tools such as Slack, Instant Messaging, and Zoom prevail in most cases.

On the other hand, you and your coworkers can also use intranet solutions to store and share data, work together regardless of the distance, and chat. Managers can streamline the workflow as effectively as they would in the office, so all operations run smoothly. Besides, staying in touch with coworkers will help you overcome the transition easier and get used to the new work environment. 

Lay Down Some Guidelines 

Managing to work remotely and family life demands high organizational skills. Now that your house has become your workplace, laying down some guidelines seems like a good idea. When you decide on the ideal place for your home office and schedule, share them with your kids and partner. Make them understand that if the door on your home office is closed, you’re working, and they shouldn’t interrupt you. When they’re open, you’re free to give them your undivided attention. It’s crucial to communicate whatever rules and schedules you come up with to your family members. They can plan their day around your timetable and workload. It allows them to run errands or get something else done. Also, they’ll respect the boundaries you set and give you the space you need to focus and deliver at work.

Live In the Moment 

Experienced remote workers often say the key to managing work and family lies in living in the moment. This means that you should focus entirely on one thing at the time instead of thinking about what’s yet to come. For example, if you are working, then focus all your attention on completing the task. Don’t think about the pile of laundry you have to do later. When you’re having a lunch break, take some time to savor the meal. The same goes for your kids. If you’re playing with them, then be present, enjoy the activity, and don’t think about work. No matter how stressful it is, working from home gives you more time to spend with your family, which is what everyone needs right now. 

Make Time for Family Activities

Despite all the work you have to do throughout the day, you have to make time for your family. You can come up with a reward system for yourself and your family members. For example, if they follow all your guidelines, you can have a family night. This means you can play games, watch movies, or cook together. Whatever activity you as a family agree on doing. These family activities are a great form of relaxation for you too.

After a long and busy day at the home office, you deserve to relax and get your mind off work. There’s no better way to do so than to spend some quality time with your family.

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Written by Morgan Rose Elliot

Morgan Rose Elliott is an aromatherapist, yoga instructor, animal lover, a happily married mother of two. She enjoys reading biographies and writing poems, sunny days on the beach and any shape and form of vanilla. Crazy about the '80s, her favorite band is Duran Duran and she is obsessed with Netflix original Stranger things.

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