
The Importance of Gut Health

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In the past few months, we’ve put more emphasis on self-care and boosting our immune systems than ever before, and justifiably so. However, with or without a pandemic, it’s vital to understand the importance of gut health for your overall wellbeing. How your body works, and what you can do to ensure that you’re resilient enough for your body to ward off pathogens such as viruses and bacteria naturally. Did you know that there’s a swarm of bacteria residing happily in your gut, serving as one of your main pillars of overall health?

The gut microbiome, as we continue to discover, plays multiple roles in protecting your gut health. The healthier your gut is, the higher your chances are of ensuring your wellbeing for the long haul. Let’s break down a few key roles your gut plays in your health, and what you can do to make sure your stomach is healthy.

The Moody Blues Comes from Gut Health

We know that the moody blues comes from gut health, too much stress and traumatic events can all be the cause of anxiety and depression, as well as other mental health issues. Research has shown that imbalances in your gut microbiome can lead to an increased risk of depression because your gut communicates with your brain.

Although you would certainly need to address your mental health issues from several different angles, restoring your gut health can be a great start. Plus, it can help keep the rest of your bodily functions in check, prevent digestive tract issues, and allow for your body to heal.

Menopause Handled through Your Gut

Every chapter of your life comes with its challenges. When you enter menopause, you’ll find that some of the most common symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, and unwanted weight gain can be traced back to hormonal imbalances. This is caused by sudden changes in your estrogen levels. Your microbiome not only participates in retaining your hormonal balance, but it also allows you to make the most of the foods you consume. It can also help or halt weight loss and proper weight management.

That is why so many high-quality menopause supplements consist of probiotics that focus on restoring your gut health. By balancing your microbiome, you can help reduce various menopause symptoms and ensure that you don’t gain unwanted weight.

The Epicenter of Your Immune System

The epicenter of your immune system is made up of an entire network of organs, cells, and antibodies. Your network of organs all of which have one common goal: to keep your health intact when intruders come along. Be it a viral or bacterial infection, or something entirely else, your immune system serves to produce a reaction to defeat the unwanted visitors quickly and efficiently.

In addition to your lymphatic system, thyroid and other glands, bone marrow, spleen, and other parts of your immune system, your gut plays a crucial role in protecting your health, too. When the bacteria in your microbiome do their job correctly, your intestines can absorb all the right nutrients from the foods you consume. Allowing your body to use the vitamins and minerals to keep your body resistant to illnesses.

Weight Gain

Have you had trouble shedding those pesky pounds off your waist and thighs? If you’ve done your best to control your food intake, choose your macronutrients carefully, and get active, your gut health might be to blame. Several different scientific studies have dealt with the connection between gut bacteria and obesity, and there seems to be a link.

According to those studies, if your gut is home to a specific kind of bacteria that inhibits weight loss, this could make your journey a bit more difficult overall. Of course, you can’t blame bacteria for weight gain. If you’re not true to your diet plan, to begin with, your microbiome could stall the process depending on the kind of bacteria that live in your gut.

The Microbiome and Your Hormones

No matter your lifestyle or your career choices, you know that stress is a regular part of the modern lifestyle, and you most likely have your stress-relieving strategies to make sure you don’t burn out or get too exhausted. However, your hormones might tell a different story when you’re always under tons of stress. Your cortisol levels might soar, and your gut will reflect that change in your hormones, too.

Even the vice versa relationship works. Not eating the right food causes the gut microbiome not to be balanced. Causing your hormones to reflect that imbalance to lead to further stress on your overall health. Then again, PMS-related issues can be linked to your gut, so perhaps you can help soothe your monthly concerns by handling your digestive tract with more care.

As you can see, you can trust your gut feeling. If you find yourself struggling with your weight, bloating, painful cramps, or digestion issues, you might need to rethink your diet and stress management to heal your gut. Consequently, you’ll be able to nurture your wellbeing and create a perfect foundation for your long-lasting gut health and resilience.

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Written by Candice Williamson

Candice is a lifestyle and wellness writer at Dine Magazine. She lives with her Husky in L.A. and hopes to one day adopt as many dogs as possible. Being originally from NYC her obsession with Sex and the City grew when she first set eyes on her mother's high heels. She knows every episode word for word.

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