
Food Trends to Discover at the 2019 RC Show

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The 2019 RC Show has announced its curated list of top trends that you will see at their show. As Canada’s largest foodservice and hospitality trade event, the RC Show will be taking place from February 24-26, 2019. The show aims to lead conversation around the meaning of sustainability for the hospitality industry. Sustainability is the future of foodservice, since it will depend on our planet and its resources.

If you’re wondering what sustainability in the foodservice industry looks like, here are some innovations you can expect to see at the show, and in kitchens near you.

Cooking from Root-to-Stem

An important new trend addressing concerns with food waste is root-to-stem cooking. This practice involves making use of all the parts you’d remove or toss from vegetables. Many chefs are discovering that items, for example: broccoli stems and leaves, can bring unique elements to a dish that are edible. 

The Robots are Taking Over

If you enjoy the latest in technological innovations, there will be many gadgets making their way into our dining experiences. For example, hands-free sushi-making machines from AUTEC will make an appearance, as well as Sally from Chowbotics, which serves made-to-order salads, snacks, and breakfast items. You can even expect robots delivering meals, and AI training.

Lab-Grown Meats

If you’re concerned about the ethics of eating meat, there is an important new innovation on the horizon. Lab-grown meats are meats developed from small samples of muscle tissue from animals. These samples are then combined with stem cells to generate large meat on a large scale without having to raise or kill animals. These products are expected to impact the world positively by reducing water usage, taking up less land and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.


Are you concerned about food sustainability? Check out our article Some Hot Sustainability Tips from the Green Hustle.

Mind Blowing Edibles

Now that marijuana is legal, cannabis food products will be even more popular in the hospitality industry. As regulations develop in 2019, chefs will be given the freedom to add cannabis products to their menus. The options are endless, whether it’s infusing a dish or beverages.

Cannabis Cocktail

Marine Greens

This year, there will be even more marine greens on the market. This will range from kelp noodles and jerky, to fish alternatives made from algae. Seaweeds are high in vitamins and minerals, and are both healthy and add a unique flavour profile to dishes.

The Plant-Based Takeover

If lab-developed meat isn’t your jam, then there will be an increase of plant-based protein options. EcoIdeas Organic Jackfruit is working on bringing alternatives to meat dishes. There will also be ingredients like heme and products like Beyond Meat, as well as plant-based milks made from pea protein and barley.

Sugar-Free is the Way to Be

Keeping items low in processed sugar will continue to be a trend for 2019. Chefs will be getting creative and substituting sugar, honey and agave for naturally sweet alternatives such as carrot, sweet potato, beets, butternut squash and corn.

Sugar-free Dessert

Savoury Cocktails

Sweet drinks are out. Herbs and vegetables will be taking over with tequila, brandy, rum or vodka. In addition, the reason for a jump to savoury drinks can be attributed to sustainable food practices, as bar tenders are now using leaves and stems of veggies in their drinks. Culinary style cocktails have been increasing in popular across Canada’s finest bars and cocktail lounges. These drinks will provide customers with a flavourful experience.

Savoury Cocktail

The Latest “It” Foods

Kale is so 2015. In 2019, dandelion greens will be the almighty greens trend. In addition, amaranth, a wheat substitute, will be used much more often. Other trends will include: oat milk and other dairy alternatives. There will also be a focus on dry and hot pot cooking. If you’re a diner with food sensitivities, you’re in luck – there will be many more substitutions available.


Since sustainability is such a focus, there will be approaches to reducing waste through single-use items. Also, virtual restaurants will be a hot item as well as and cloud-based dining. If you’re wondering what spice palettes are coming into trend, expect options from countries such as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan. Plus, edible flowers are making their comeback, and you will see them in your water glass.

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Written by Terris Schneider

Terris Schneider is a writer from Vancouver, now based in Toronto. She is the Creative Team Lead for DINE Magazine and covers everything from food, fashion, music, travel, and lifestyle. Her published works have appeared in Discorder, Metro News, Stop Street Harassment, Pique Newsmagazine, The Post Feminist Post, Flannel Magazine, and Sophomore Magazine. Check out her column: Witch, Don't Kill My Vibe.

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