
This Slow Cooker Ratatouille Will Blow Your Mind

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katherine chase 1209773 unsplash e1552918827304
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you love the movie Ratatouille? But, you’ve been too busy to try out the real deal? Check out this slow-cooker version of the classic French dish, which will satisfy your curiosity… and your stomach. Plus, it’s packed full of vegetables, so you can indulge a guilty pleasure without ruining a healthy diet.

And don’t worry – there are no especially smart rats, or any rodents generally, involved in this updated approach to ratatouille.


2 large potatoes

1 red onion

2 large bell peppers

2 zucchinis

1 large squash

4 cloves garlic

2 cups marinara sauce

2 teaspoons salt

1/4 cup chopped basil leaves


Slice the potatoes, onions, bell peppers, zucchinis and squash into circles. Make sure the potatoes and squash are on the thicker side, and the onions and peppers on the thinner side.

Mix in the basil and salt into your marinara sauce to taste. Cover the bottom of your slow cooker with a layer of sauce. Then, layer your vegetables in a circular pattern around the base of the slow cooker, alternating between vegetables until you cover the bottom of your slow cooker pot.

Add another layer of marinara sauce over those vegetables evenly, and sprinkle any garlic or salt you want on top (be careful with the salt, you don’t need much!) Then add another layer of vegetables, using the same alternating pattern until you cover that layer of tomato sauce.

Add another layer of tomato sauce on top of that layer of vegetables, adding garlic and salt to taste, and repeat the process of layering vegetable until you run out. You should then be good to go! Set your slow cooker on high for three hours. Garnish-in whatever pleases you (parsley is always a good bet) and dig in!

I would recommend you pair your new dish with an earthy Tempranillo or a light, fruit-forward Pinot Noir for the full experience. (Wine Note: if your end result is on the salty side, steer away from red and substitute with a rose or perhaps even a Pinot Grigio.) And of course, no meal of ratatouille is complete without a viewing of the wonderful Disney film, which makes a perfect evening for the whole family.

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Written by Goldie Poll

Goldie Poll is originally from Vancouver, British Columbia. She received her HBA from the University of Toronto in 2014, and her MA from the New School in 2017. She works in multimedia journalism, including in writing and video production.

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